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Countdown to Christmas: Vintage Snowflake
Countdown to Christmas: Vintage Snowflake
Counting down to Christmas has been so much fun here at the Moda Bake Shop! My block is one that lends itself to this tiny size for those of you who love piecing small things, but it can also be sized up for a 12" block if you'd like! This sweet little block has a lot of small pieces but don't let that put you off giving it a try. The 1" finished half square triangles are made using foundation piecing - find the template in the Printer Friendly file at the bottom of this post. This quilt block finishes at 6" square. From background fabric, cut:
- (1) 6⅛” x 8” rectangle
- (1) 1½" x 4½" strip
- (4) 1½" squares
From red fabric, cut (1) 6⅛” x 8” rectangle and (1) 2½" square. From green fabric, cut (1) 1½" x 4½" strip. ***Substitutions*** If you prefer not to use foundation piecing:
- For standard piecing of HSTs, cut (10) 2" squares each of red and white and trim HSTs to 1½" square.
- Alternatively, flying geese units can also be subbed for 16 of the HSTs. They need to measure 1½" x 2½" unfinished.
- A stiletto tool is very helpful for guiding the small pieces under the foot of your machine
MAKE HSTs Print out the foundation piecing template on thin copy paper (the thinner the better). Trim to the outermost line (6⅛” x 8” rectangle). Place background fabric and red fabric right sides together and layer with foundation peicing paper on top (order is red, white, paper). Sew along the dashed lines of the foundation paper as indicated. Trim on solid lines. Gently remove paper and press toward the red fabric. Trim off dog ear corners. Each HST is 1½" square. The foundation paper yields 20 HSTs. Set aside 16. Sew each of 4 HSTs to (4) 1½" background squares as shown. Press seams open.
STRIP PIECE With right sides together, sew the 1½" x 4½" green strip to the 1½" x 4½" background strip. Press towards the green. Trim the strip unit to (4) 1½" x 2½" units.
ASSEMBLE BLOCK Join each green unit to each HST unit as shown. Make (4) 4-patch units.
Assemble the block as shown, taking care to press seams open where two bulky seams join.
Lightly starch and press block. Trim to 6½" square.
This quilt block finishes at 6" square, 6½" square unfinished.
Printer-Friendly PDF with Foundation Paper/Template
Lisa Calle {vintagemodernquilts.com} {@vintagemodernquilts}