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Summer in the Country: Picnic Table
Summer in the Country: Picnic Table
Inspired by relaxing with friends on a lazy summer afternoon, porch swings, iced tea and laughter, Summer in the Country is here. Using Back Porch by Me & My Sister Designs, this collection will be in shops in August.
When you think of summer of course you think of picnics. If you are going on a picnic in your backyard, a park or a farm so many found memories are created as everyone sits at the picnic table.
12" finished block
From Fabric A, Cut:
(4) 4½” x 1½” rectangles
(8) 2½” squares
(8) 1½” squares [*Alt method* (1) 1½” x 13” strip]
From Fabric B, Cut:
(12) 1½” x 2½” recangles
(8) 1½” squares [*Alt method* (1) 1½” x 13” strip]
From Fabric C, Cut:
(8) 1½” squares
(4) 4½” x 1½” rectangles
From Fabric D, Cut:
(4) 4½” x 1½” rectangles
From Fabric E, Cut:
(1) 4½” square
Step 1: Corner Units
Sew 1½” Fabric A square to the 1½” Fabric B square. Press. Make 8 units (see below for alternate strip piecing method).
Sew a 1½” x 2½” Fabric A rectangles to the side of each unit created above. Press open. Make 8 units that measure 2½” square.
Join with units with background squares as shown.
*Alt Method* with RST, sew the 1½” x 13” Fabric A strip to the 1½” x 13” Fabric B strips. Press open. Sub cut at 1½” so that you have (8) 1½” x 2½” Fabric A + B units.
Step 2: Middle Units
Sew 1½” x Fabric D rectangle to the 1½” x 4½” Fabric A rectangle. Press open. Make (4) units that measure 2½” x 4½”.
Sew a 1½” Fabric C square to each end of 1½” x 2½” Fabric B rectangle. Add 1½” Fabric C rectangle to the top. Press.
Join these two units together. Make 4.
Join block units as shown. Trim block to 12½” unfinished size.
LisaJo Girodat