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Blockheads 4 - Archive

Blockheads 4 - Archive

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Welcome to the Moda Blockheads - Round 4!

CT BH4 Archive - Logo

This Archive includes the links to everything shared for Blockheads 4 - Designer blocks, Bonus blocks, setting options, blog posts, and so on.  We'll update this every week as new blocks are released.  The link to the Designer blog and the Block Instructions will be added on Wednesday by 8:00 AM CDT.

NOTE:  To join Blockheads, just start sewing.  Everything we've shared so far is linked below.

Newsletter & Adding:   If you'd like to receive the Inspiration+Resources Blockheads posts on Wednesday via e-mail, you will need to sign up here - Newsletter Blog Sign-Up.  Be sure to check the box above E-mail Address for Moda Blog/Inspiration+Resources.


The Designer blocks and the Bonus blocks are listed in reverse order - the newest blocks are first.  The layout options are after the blocks.

BH4- 28 Joanna

27 - Blossom by Fig Tree and Co.


27 - Threaded by Michelle White from Moda




26 - Postage Stamp by Corey Yoder


25 - Heart by Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique


BH4-Bonus 9


BH4- Vanessa C archive

24 -Outtakes by Vanessa Christenson


BH4 Brenda Riddle archive


23 - Gentlemen's Fancy by Benda Riddle

sherri McConnell


22 - Star Patch by Sherri McConell

shiny bauble

21 - Shiny Bauble by Janet Clare

block sweet treats


Block Instructions- Sweet Treats


block star turn



Block Instructions- Star Turn



BH4- StacyIestHsu

20 - Stop-Go by Stacy Iest Hsu

Star Turn


Block 19- Robin Pickens

19 - Clover by Robin PIckens

Bh4- Betsy Chutchian

18 - Crowning Glory by Betsy Chutchian


BH4- 17

17 - Shoreline by Camille Roskelley


BH4 Bonus 6



Tammy V

16 - Indiana Puzzle by Tammy Vonderschmitt

Crystal Manning


15 - Highland Plaid by Crystal Manning



Jan Patek Bird on a branch

14 - Bird on a Branch by Jan Patek




BH4- evening Star- Debbie Maddy

13 - EVENING Star by Debbie Maddy



BH$- Deb Strain



12 - Friendship Star by Deb Strain


BH4- Block 11

11 - Block Berry by Jackie MacDonald

Blockheads 4

BH4- Block 10

10 - Autumnal by Chelsi Stratton

BH4- Block 9 Cross my Mind

9 - Cross My Mind by Brigitte Heitland

BH4-Bonus Zipper block

Wild Geese by Kate Spain

8 - Wild Geese by Kate Spain


BH4 Block 7 Archive

7 - Game Board by Lisa Bongean

BH4 Bonus 3 Archive

BH4 Archive Block 6

6 - Spinning Into Spring by Linzee McCray

BH4 Block 5 Archive

5 - Two of Five by Barbara Groves of Me & My Sister Designs

BH4 Archive Bonus Block 2 - Mix and Match

CT BH4 Block 4 Archive

4 - Spinner by Anne Sutton for Bunny Hill Designs

BH4 Block 3 Archive

3 - Kouign Amann by Laurie Simpson of Minick & Simpson

BH4 Archive Bonus Block 1 - Roundabout

CT BH4 Archive Block 2

2 - Cooee by Jenelle Kent of Pieces To Treasure

CT BH4 Block 1 - Archive

1 - Square Wheel by Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles

Moda Designer Setting Options:

Moda's Setting Options:

BH4 Basic Methods & Information

Introduction - Yardage Information & Setting Option No. 1 by Michelle White


Archives for Prior Blockheads:


